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Technology Webinars
06 April 2017
2.30 pm CET

Metrics and stage-gate development programmes

General info Video and other materials



Jonathan Hodges, Wave Energy Scotland

Stage-gate procedures and the metrics that underpin them have proven their worth in a range of emerging technology sectors in recent years.

Developing new technologies is inherently risky, with many failing to ever reach commercial viability. Stage-gate development programmes aim to mitigate risk through regular assessment of progress against standardised metrics for success.

This allows investors to compare competing technologies and select the best, lowest risk options for further investment and development.

During this knowledge sharing webinar, ETIP Ocean investigated the ways in which stage-gate procedures can be usefully applied to the ocean energy sector.

Jonathan Hodges, Senior Innovation Engineer at Wave Energy Scotland, introduced the theory of stage-gate gate mechanisms before outlining how they can be applied to ocean energy and relating his experience of the Wave Energy Scotland stage-gate development programme.

The session then was opened to all attendees for comments and questions.

You can view the presentation slides.

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