Edinburgh International Conference Centre
150 Morrison Street
Edinburgh, EH3 8EE
United Kingdom
ETIP Ocean hosted its final annual workshop, bringing together a broad variety of participants in a single venue to review and build upon the results of the previous webinars, developing strategies to take the industry forward.
In the presence of European Commission officials, the ETIP Ocean secretariat presented the findings from the events and webinars so far and then participants broke out into smaller groups focussing on specific topics. The following webinar results were analysed:
- Investigating novel devices before moving towards convergence of design
- Maintaining grant funding for early TRL technologies
- Facilitating knowledge transfer and collaboration
- Market pull-revenue support for ocean energy
- Warranties, guarantees and insurance
- Alternative materials and manufacturing processes
- Adaptive management systems
- Developing and implementing optimisation tools
- Funding Ocean Energy Technology Development using Pre-commercial Procurement and Stage-Gate Development Processes.
The findings and recommendations from the workshop were fed into the ETIP Ocean Integrated Strategy document. The Integrated Strategy is being presented to the European Commission and national governments and shows what are industry’s needs from the future EU and national funding calls.